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The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

Talking Through a Screen

Talking Through a Screen

Alexis Noel, 15 May 20, 2021

I chose this picture of My Grandma, Cousin Bailey, and I would facetime during these hard times to try to spend time together.  We celebrate every holiday together usually but this year we all, unfortunately,...

Strangled Hope

Strangled Hope

Lucy Gross, 16 May 20, 2021

Feeling trapped in this role of no interaction Not that I liked school with a passion  But, it's not being at school  I rarely see family members And it is taking a toll Used to seeing...



Madison Kraynick, 15 May 20, 2021

I confer with the ghosts of who I used to be Surrounded by books and broken dreams And the laundry I should’ve folded last week. They’ve got comments and questions  A couple of suggestions Who...

Recreation of Joy

Recreation of Joy

Gianna Murray, 15 May 20, 2021

In 2020 many things had happened, Not only did we quarantine and have a presidential election, We all in some way formed a self-discovery journey.   We all found something hidden inside...


Andrew Kozuch, 16 May 20, 2021

It’s March 1, 2020. I wake up and go to school just like normal, and then come home. Never would I have expected a global pandemic to emerge in our country just a week and a half later. School is canceled...

Family is Everything

Family is Everything

Emily Schrum, 16 April 27, 2021

After thinking about quarantine and how to express how it affected me, I came to the conclusion that this was the way that seemed the best fit. Going on walks with my mom and my dog was the only safe way...

Pandemic Impact

Pandemic Impact

Gabby Carroll, 16 April 23, 2021

This pandemic taught me to stay organized. I downloaded an agenda app on my phone called Egenda to help keep my assignment organized and to remind me that they exist. Towards the beginning of online learning,...

March 13

March 13

Olivia Ruffner, 15 April 22, 2021

I spent the day absolutely thrilled for the musical. The practice room, sweltering with heat, as always. The text I received. “All cast and crew please report to the auditorium” My heart...

Sprouting for Health

Sprouting for Health

Rilee Buccigrossi, 16 April 22, 2021

Though my mouth is covered, I have plenty to speak of, For my words have articulated  And sculpted through the year, My opinions and perspective  Of not only myself, but the world Have...

A Look Behind the Mask

A Look Behind the Mask

Gabi Burd, 16 April 22, 2021

2020 started off strong, I was a freshman in my first year of high school. Life was great, I was playing high school softball, getting good grades, seeing friends every day, being with friends and family...



Delaney Mulroy, 16 April 22, 2021

̈Life comes with many challenges and life imposes things on you that you can't control, but you still have the choice of how you're going to live through this ̈ - Celine Dion. What this quote means...



Kirollos Shaker, 15 April 16, 2021

This past pandemic year has been a wild ride for all of us, and we were all impacted and changed in many different ways. We all had to learn to adjust to a distant way of life where we celebrate holidays...

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