
Capstone is a class offered at the high school that is different from most. This class offers hands-on experience working with the environment. This class, which used to be taught by Mrs. Logan, was taken over this year by Mr. Roberts, who many know as their 7th grade science teacher. 

The capstone class has been spending a lot of time out in the environment learning new things. Anywhere from macroinvertebrates to cows on a farm and electrofishing in the stream down by rotary. 

Mr Roberts works with the Westmoreland Land and Trust which has opened up many opportunities to go places most people can’t, and do things most classes wouldn’t have access to do. 

“I’ve really been enjoying just seeing students experience things they haven’t before. We’ve done electrofishing, fly fishing, brought in live snakes and amphibians, we’ve even raised quail and bass in our classroom. The class opens up possibilities of things for students, whether it is jobs or just simply enjoying nature.”  

Mr Roberts has always been interested in the environment and growing up was outside constantly. He first thought he wanted to be a veterinarian for large and small animals and even spent time interning with vets. What he realized was that the constant change and medicines when it comes to being a vet and that wasn’t the lifestyle he wanted. 

“Organic Chemistry was hard, and you would always have to be using it and learning more to be a vet. The field of medicine with people and animals is always changing so I would always be learning and it wasn’t what I wanted. But teaching was always the back up plan, and it turned out to be a great fit for me.” 

With being so in tune with science and the environment his whole life, finding out he would be teaching capstone was truly exciting. 

“I was so excited, my goal has always been to increase student connectivity to nature and that’s what capstone is about. It’s really cool to be able to be the one to do it.” 

Mr. Roberts is really looking forward to changing the program of capstone for the better. 

“I want to continue to expand the horizon of capstone. I have a lot already but I want to grow my contacts and add more experiences and field trips for the students. The more you can expand in any direction adds variety, and these experts can teach and help students learn even more than I can teach them.” 

These ways Mr. Roberts is growing capstone is all a reflection of what he is trying to accomplish in the students. Capstone is an extremely hands on and fun class that gives deeper learning to our environment around us. 

 “With the increase of technology every student needs to take a step back and understand their environment instead of seeing it only through a screen, but actual experiences are extremely important.” 

Capstone is a class everyone should get the chance to take, and it expands your knowledge of all things involving the environment. If you aren’t afraid to get your hands a little dirty, it’s a rewarding class to consider taking.