Michael Walstrom, Opinion, Online Editor
Michael Walstrom has described himself as a fun-loving, worrisome, unfocused, hot mess, paragon of standardness and gives everyone an invitation to read his bio. Michael is a senior who loves photography, reading, writing, and making people laugh. He has found that his love of spreading joy can sometimes be extremely hard to achieve but never impossible and only when it’s near impossible to cheer someone up, is when they always need it the most!
Another thing that anyone reading this might want to know is that he is very unbiased and tries to look at issues from a point of complete objection and take everyone’s opinions and perspectives in mind, especially when writing about the political climate because he believes that people deserve an unbiased and completely informative view with no agendas attached. He likes all types of music except modern country, he likes all movies except bad documentaries, he likes all books except cheesy detective stories, and he likes all people except those who are generally unkind and unpleasant.
An overall simple person with very complex opinions and a hunger for showing people of all types new perspectives and helping everyone understand each other. These motivations all exist because of the guidance and development given to him by his peers, his parents, and his very overactive mind that constantly pushes him to help others. His overall goal in journalism is to give knowledge to those without it, not to have a sense of superiority, but to create a community of well-educated young adults through which to have meaningful and constructive discussion.
To learn more about Michael Walstrom just talk to him anywhere at anytime through any mode of communication including but not limited to: speech, cellphones, DMs, letters, HAM radios, telepathy, any ancient forgotten language, or even telegraph, yes you heard right, TELEGRAPH!