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The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

Shelby Robertson, an aspiring artist with roots at GLSD

Shelby Robertson, an aspiring artist with roots at GLSD

Mercedes Manners, Staff Writer January 18, 2021

Playing a vast impact on how people view and correspond with others and the world around us is just one objective artists can achieve. Art is a form of expression that several people take advantage of,...

Behind the Canvas

Behind the Canvas

Rece Ramsey, Staff Writer February 5, 2020

As you walk through the halls of the senior high school of Greater Latrobe, administration and the community support for the arts is strong. Paintings from all over Western Pennsylvania, along with numerous...

Latrobe’s Inked Students

December 19, 2019

Walking through the halls in the Senior High, you might see some students with symbolic and artistic works inked onto their skin. Whether it is from inspiration from classical art, to the significant allusions...

Front Row:  Ruby Miller, Sofia Herr, Elaina Schrack, McKenna Redish
Middle Row: Allison Lecas, Sydney Quinn, Sophia Stynchula, Shelby Robertson, Matt Cox, Isabella Bearer
Back Row:  Joshua Martino, Angela Nolan, Jessica Ziance
Missing from photo:  MacKenzie Crispin

PRESS RELEASE: Prep Class Pop Up Art Exhibit

Sydney Laidacker, Staff Writer December 11, 2019

Greater Latrobe Senior High art teacher Lindsey Page’s Portfolio Prep class recently held a Pop Up Interactive art exhibit in the Center for Student Creativity.  The artwork was highly conceptual...

On September 21, 2017, Student Council members visited the Latrobe Art Center for their annual art selection.

Art Selection 2017-2018

Bianca Pate, Copy Editor, Online Editor, Assistant Editor in Chief September 25, 2017

Students from Mrs.Mack's Portfolio Prep class period 1, pose with Fred. Participants include Luke Alexander, Kassidy Slezak, Rachel Garbeglio, (back row) Maddy Hantz, Liz Callahan, Amy Soich, Sarah DeLancey, Arianne Camarote and Lily Currie.

Portfolio Prep Honors Mr.Rogers

Arianne Camarote, Staff Writer December 13, 2016

At the senior high a new piece of art was added to the famous art collection but it wasn’t purchased or voted upon by the school. This art was student made. Before the project began Mrs.Mack, an art...

Teresa Gaudino, Barbara Nakles (GLSD Art Conservation Trust Chair), Chick Cicconi, Eleanor Cicconi, Boo McHenry, Shirley Robb (Left to Right), Pictured here standing next to the painting Light Snow by Roy Hilton. They are members of the class 1948 and  came to tour the school and see the paintings they had purchased. There was actually five paintings purchased in this year.

A Flash Back in Time

Arianne Camarote, Staff Writer December 13, 2016

2015 Art Gala: That All May See

2015 Art Gala: That All May See

Mara Revitsky, Editor February 2, 2016
Greater Latrobe already has a phenomenal display of art work all throughout the senior high school, but the annual Art Gala is really something.
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