Follow Your Heart to Make Your Dreams Come True


When high school students start to think about their future, a common first step that may come to most people’s minds is going to college. College is a big milestone in creating a future for students and knowing which one to go to is a difficult decision to make. One of the biggest things that come with the process is if moving to another state to attend a university is a good idea. Is college worth packing up everything and leaving home?

Tye Nave, 2012 graduate from Greater Latrobe Senior High School, left his hometown for college and  attended Academy of Art University located in San Francisco, California to major in Photography. “I absolutely made the right decision of moving out of state for school because I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t. Moving from my small town in Latrobe, Pennsylvania to go to school in San Francisco, California opened up so many opportunities for me. I have become more cultured and open minded which couldn’t have happened if I stayed in Pennsylvania,” said Nave. 

Moving to another state can be difficult for some people to think about because it can be hard stepping out of their comfort zone or leaving everything behind to try something new. But for Tye, it was a decision that was easy to make. “I wanted to move out of state because I always wanted to live in California. I applied to an art school in San Francisco and got accepted. Without hesitation, I packed my bags and made my dreams come true,” said Nave. 

Even though Tye had some struggles after he graduated to find a job, he worked hard with internships and had persistence because of his love for photography “As a product/fashion designer, I knew that I was limited in places to find jobs. In my industry, I would need to be in California and New York. My career is very competitive and with today’s job market it was difficult to find a job anywhere. But, I finally landed a full time product photography position in Santa Monica, California,” said Nave. Tye has taken photos for dance competitions, food to advertise for Falbo’s Rainbow Inn, and has even got to help assist with photos for a magazine called A Book Of.

Moving to California is a decision that made Tye Nave’s life better all because he took a risk and followed his heart to see what else is out in the world for his future career. “If you are a student looking to move out of state for college, I say just go for it. Life is too short not to explore the world and different opportunities. If you have a dream to do something, don’t hesitate to do whatever it takes to get there,” said Nave. 

Something to consider if you plan on moving somewhere else for college is how it will impact you and if it will benefit yourself in the long run. There obviously should be a thorough thinking process before taking this huge leap of faith. Tye considered these aspects when he was making this decision for his future. 

“There will be both physical and emotional steps to take before moving to another state. Obviously, steps for moving out of states would be to pack essentials, especially things that remind you of home. I think the more emotional steps are more important. Spend as much time with your family and friends before moving and know that moving away isn’t a goodbye. Home is just a plane or car ride away if you ever need to go back , even if it’s just for a weekend. Getting homesick is natural but don’t ignore your mental health. Moving away for college is exciting and will open up many new doors for you, so trust the process and let life take you on a new ride,” Nave said.

Tye Nave is a risk taker in life, but he ended up gaining more than losing and is more successful than he could have imagined. It all began when he had a simple dream but he took action and followed his heart to make it a reality.