A Look Into Our Senior Workforce – Madison Cole
As we continue to move on day by day throughout this pandemic, many have started to wonder, “When will this end?” That couldn’t be more prevalent, than within our seniors. Memories that can never be regained. Prom, field trips, and induction ceremonies, all gone in the blink of an eye, creating immense amounts of free time to spend with family or on new hobbies, or one would think.
Here at The High Post, we contacted five senior workers who have worked during the pandemic with the same 15 questions. Each student will have their own separate article. Questions range from personal life to job life. As always, thank you to all essential workers. We couldn’t do it without you.
Senior: Madison Cole
Q: Where is your place of employment?
Madison: Starbucks.
Q: What is your job title, and what does it entail?
M: Barista. My job includes making drinks, answering the drive thru, cleaning, and anything else I’m asked to do.
Q: How long have you worked there?
M: I’ve worked there for 2 years.
Q: What do you like and dislike about your job?
M: I like the interactions I have with regulars and my coworkers. I dislike almost nothing. I love everything about what I do.
Q: How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your workplace?
M: During COVID, we have had to shut down our cafe, and switch to drive thru only. We have also had to wear masks all the time and sanitize everything a lot more often.
Q: How has the transition to online classes affected you?
M: The transition hasn’t been awful. I haven’t retained a lot of information, but it hasn’t been that difficult.
Q: Do you have more free time than you did before? If so, what are you doing for fun?
M: I have a lot more free time. I’ve been baking, reading, and watching a lot of Netflix to keep myself busy.
Q: Did you have to get a different job due to the pandemic?
M: I did not have to get another job, our store stayed open for business.
Q: Are you getting more or less hours?
M: I have been getting more hours lately.
Q: How do you feel that the pandemic has prepared you for the future?
M: I think that the virus has prepared me to acclimate my life to changing circumstances and to be able to continue my “normal life” in un-normal circumstances.
Q: Has COVID-19 affected any of your friendships/relationships?
M: COVID has not affected my relationships significantly. It’s hard not seeing the people I want to see though.
Q: Have you been required to get tested for COVID-19 by your employer?
M: I have not, but our store has put extra measures in place so that you are not allowed to work if you have any cold symptoms.
Q: Do you know/work with anyone who had COVID-19? If so, did it affect your relationship with them in any way?
M: I do not know anyone personally that has had the virus.
Q: What’s one word of advice you have for future seniors?
M: To future seniors, enjoy your last year as much as you can. Do everything you have a slight interest in, because you’ll be leaving your classmates before you know it.
Q: Pineapple on pizza?
M: No. Never pineapple on pizza.

Hello, world! My name is Corbin Makar, and I’m a current senior at the high school. This will be my first year writing for The High Post, and I’m super...