Corbin Makar, Staff Writer
Hello, world! My name is Corbin Makar, and I’m a current senior at the high school. This will be my first year writing for The High Post, and I’m super excited for what’s to come. In school, I’m a member of Link Crew and a student council representative. I’m also a part of our school’s news station WCAT-TV. Some interesting facts about me are that I own over 20 sweaters, I’m a Pisces, my favorite season is winter, and I have a love for music, both classical and modern. My favorite genre is alternative, but I also like the occasional indie song. You can follow me on Apple Music to see what I’ve been listening to @cjmakar. Outside of school I’m a lifeguard for Idlewild and Soakzone which explains the uneven tan and bleached out hair. Surprisingly, this is a great job for me since I’ve been swimming competitively since third grade. Another fun fact about me is that have a pure love for espresso which all started when I was overseas in Europe for the German class. You might even see me pulling up to the nearest coffee shop with a bunch of friends in my Focus. A lot of friends would tell you that I have a problem with saving money. For example, this past summer I would get paid bi-weekly. That means every two weeks I would organize a group and drive an hour out of my way to Ross Park Mall in Pittsburgh instead of going to the mall 15 minutes from my house. I have a passion for fashion (pun intended). My clothes allow me to express myself freely which is something that I value heavily. As you can infer, I love sweaters. I usually pair those with a nice pair of jeans or pants, but the most iconic piece in my outfits are my glasses. Round lenses with the wireframes just somehow scream Corbin. A goal I have for this year is to help expand our publication more into the world of multimedia. Now that you know almost everything about, I will conclude with a cliche ending. The End.