Mr. Ferraro Lives On Through His Peers
“There are so many. I’ll start by going back to 10th grade US History II. Mr. Ferraro was like a teacher you saw on TV shows or in movies: super engaging, loved by all his students, and knew the answer to every history question. I wanted to be just like him. When I eventually got a job teaching in the social studies department at the junior high, Jerry and Pam both offered, “If you need anything, let us know.” It was my first official welcome, and the beginning of a new relationship with Jerry as his colleague. That same school year, I chaperoned a field trip with him to D.C. Who needs a tour guide when your with Jerry Ferraro? I don’t think I ever laughed so hard in a 24-hour period than I did on that trip! Jerry was not just good for a laugh, but he was also vital with words of encouragement, support, and hope. As a new parent, he would remind me that the sleepless nights will pass, “Hang in there, kiddo.” Baby not feeling well? “Let me call Pam for you.” Even when he was not in the building, he had a way of being there at just the right time. Before the closure last school year, Jerry was getting ready to come back to work, and he happened to be in the office when I went to get my mail at the end of what was a really tough week. His daily posts of faith on Facebook had been helping me through those rough days. A beam of light shone from his presence. He hugged me as I cried and said, “Everything will be ok. I’m here for you.” I will always remember Mr. Ferraro for his ability to turn a bad moment into that of laughter, light, and hope.” -Mrs. Pellegrino
“I remember years ago before the U.S. History teachers began having a group of Civil War re-enactors come to the school for a day Mr. Ferraro, who was a re-enactor himself, set up camp in the grass out behind the school for a day. He dressed in his uniform, made a fire, set up his tent and with Mrs. Ferraro along – also in period dress – brought history alive for the students of Greater Latrobe. He didn’t always dress up but he did have a special gift for making history interesting in and out of the classroom.” -Mr. Simpson
“I am not sure if I can narrow it down to just one favorite memory . . . any moment with Mr. Ferraro was a favorite. From Friendsgiving celebrations in the fall to Relay for Life events, he always greeted you with a smile. One year, the teachers visited the CTC on an inservice day. Mr. Ferraro was on my bus. He made us all laugh by pretending to be the “bad” kid on the bus. The bus driver played along and pretended to be angry, telling him that she was going to call the principal. It was just one example of how Mr. Ferraro could take an every day thing and turn it into something memorable. <3” -Dr Bompiani
“I will always remember Jerry as someone who always had time to talk with you and answer all my questions about History. He was truly a gift from God on this earth.” -Camille Hixson

“My favorite memories with Mr. Ferraro come from the conversations that we would have at lunch. No matter what kind of day I was having, I would always leave lunch in a better mood because of him. I could always count on him to share an amusing story, or do something off-the-wall to make me laugh. I think that is what I will remember about him the most. His laughter. He always did everything he could to make people laugh. He wanted everyone to be happy. :-)” -Ms. Richards

James Miller is an eighteen year old Greater Latrobe High School Senior. James likes to read and hangout with his friends. He has a passion for politics...