One Year Ago Today…

The Tragedy That Struck The Nation

March For Our Lives

The 17 Eagles that lost their lives one year ago

One year ago today, one Florida school went through a great tragedy. A nation of teens united in fear. One year ago today, students went to school.    One year ago 17 beautiful lives were lost. Alyssa, Cara, Meadow, Gina, Carmen, Peter, Joaquin, Alaina, Helena, Nick, Luke, Beigel, Feis, Martin, and Alex.

One year ago, I sat with my high school newspaper advisor and classmates as information slowly came in. I sat with fear in my heart. One year ago today, I went home and hugged my dad and brother tighter.

One year ago today, the world watched as Snapchat videos from inside the school were shared. One year ago today, we saw videos of injured students. One year ago today, we saw images of a laptop riddled with bullet holes and kids backpacks in a pile. One year ago today, images of the killer were on every news station broadcast.

One year ago today, schools across the nation had to deal with threats made days and weeks after, mine included. They made many cower in fear. All students were left to think, “are we next.”
One year ago today, Marjory Stoneman Douglas lost beloved students and faculty to a preventable act of hate.
My heart goes out to all who have to deal with everything that comes with an act like the one that happened one year ago today. It is my hope that we never forget the names of the 17 Eagles lost one year ago today. And that no one else has to experience such a tragedy again.
Many people may forget but I promise I never will. Fly high Eagles.