Latrobe dominates Woodland Hills

Tonight the Latrobe takes on Woodland Hills at Latrobe. Reed Fenton gets fouled and is sent to the line to start out the game. He sinks both of the shots. Jake Biss gets a steal and lays it in at the other and for two.

The score is tied at four. Jake Biss gets another steal and at the other end euro steps around the defender to lay it in for two. Bryce Butler lays it in for two. Jake Biss stole the ball again for his third steal only in the first and gets it to Bryce in the paint to lay it in for two. Jason Armstrong hits the corner three.

Nick Bobula is subbed into the game. Jake Biss hits the flawless mid-range jumper. Austin Butler lays it in for two to further Latrobe’s lead 21-16.

Reed Fenton shoots for two off the inbound play. Latrobe continues to dominate the first as Austin get fouled and sent to the line for two right before the quarter ends. He drains both shots. Latrobe is leading coming out of the first 25-16.

Austin starts off the first quarter with a deep three. Jake Biss gets the assist as Bryce lays it in. Reed Fenton gets a block and throws it down at the other end with a powerful tomahawk dunk.

Bryce Butler lays it in for two with a fancy pass from his brother Austin. Austin throws it down with a tomahawk dunk off of the inbound play. Latrobe continues to dominate the floor extending their lead to 36-19.

Austin lays it in for two contested by Woodland Hills players. Jake Biss hits another mid-range jumper for two. Austin Butler is sent to the line. He drains the first one, but misses the second one.

Austin is then sent to the line again. He misses the first one, and sinks the second. Austin gets off one last three before the end of the half and drains it with ease. At the end of the second quarter Latrobe is still leading 45-32.

Austin Butler lays it in for two to start off the third quarter. Reed misses the first shot, but grabs his own rebound and puts it back up with authority. Woodland Hills slowly closing the gap as Jake Biss lays it in for two.

Score is 51-45 Latrobe still on top. Reed Fenton lays it in for two. On Latrobe’s next possession Jason Armstrong is fouled and is sent to the line. He misses the first shot, but drains the second one. Latrobe still leading after the third quarter, but not by much. The score is 54-49 Latrobe.

The Cats come out for the fourth quarter ready to close this game out. Austin with a good baseline pass to his brother who puts it in for two. Jake Biss scores on a lay up. Bryce Butler gets the bucket and the foul for a chance to make it a three point play. He drains the foul shot.

Jake Biss with the flashy play for the two points. Latrobe pulls away a little bit making the score 65-57 Latrobe.

Austin Butler with the basket and the foul, he drains the foul shot to convert the three point play. Austin again cutting into the paint through the defenders to get the easy bucket for two.

Jake Biss then gets the assist as he passes to Reed Fenton cutting into the paint for the lay in. With one minute to go Latrobe still leads 72-61. Austin gets fouled and is sent to the line to shoot two. He drains both shots with ease.

Austin is then sent to the line again on their next possession. He drains the first one, but misses the second. As the remaining seconds wind down Latrobe gets the win leading Woodland Hills in the 77-65 victory.