The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

Ending of Junior Year and Onto Senior

Ending of Junior, and Beginning of Senior Year

Senior year is right around the corner and I have a lot to do to prepare for it. All the fun and exciting activities: taking graduation pictures, painting your parking spot, senior sunrise and sunset, senior skip day, and the cap and gown. Growing up as a Wildcat surrounded by a big support group has shaped me into the person I am today. 


Over the summer I get to graduation pictures to capture the end of an era. I am looking forward to taking mine. I plan on taking them to a big open field filled with beautiful flowers, and I want to wear a white dress and red cowboy boots. 


We recently had a meeting about painting out parking spots, and have already had to sign up. I want to get a spot next to my best friend, Sage, so we can paint together and have a good time. I am not an artistic person, so I chose a simple design I feel I can execute to perfection. I want to do a black background and write/draw little pictures and quotes I live by. 


I am looking forward to senior sunrise, and even though it is towards the beginning of the school year, I still can not wait. I love seeing sunrises and sunsets because of how beautiful they are, so to be able to share a special moment sitting on a blanket with my friends and bonding over the pretty view is important to me. I am not a morning person, so that is the only issue, but for a sunrise, I guess I can wake up. 


Senior skip day is a tradition as old as time, so, of course, I have to participate. Every year there is a day that is picked that all the seniors “skip.” They do fun activities with their group of friends and enjoy the day by themselves. I can not wait to experience it! 


When the moment comes down to it,  and I walk across the stage at graduation I know there will be tears streaming down my face. Being surrounded by people whom I have grown up with and seeing them change over the years is an indescribable feeling, it is filled with sadness, but happiness. Seeing Delaney who once loved pandas and wore shirts will frill and sayings to a grown woman who still loves fashion and has the same vibe. 


At graduation I will have 2 cords, one is for the National Honor Society and the other is for Quill&Scroll. I have dedicated my whole life to excelling in school, so receiving the opportunity to be in NHS is an accomplishment. I am also very excited about Quill&Scroll because I can get the chance to embrace my newfound talent in journalism, which has benefited me in many ways. 


Being a teenager is only a short period of life, so take advantage of it: All the football games, the assemblies, field trips, and the amazing opportunities that are handed to you. The love and care that is given to every Wildcat is an incredible feeling. The staff pushes you, but is also so comforting and supportive. Being a Wildcat is a privilege, so put the GL into Greater Latrobe.  


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About the Contributor
Gracie Mahanes
Gracie Mahanes, Staff Writer
 Gracie Mahanes is a junior at Greater Latrobe Senior High School. She is 17 years old and enjoys spending time with her friends and family. During fall/winter, Gracie plays for a club volleyball team called, Alliance, and enjoys playing with her best friend, Sage. She loves going to see movies, going to the gym after school, and shopping! This is her first year in journalism, but she has always been interested in writing and telling stories. Ever since she was little she has been writing stories and using her imagination. During her freshman year, she took broadcasting but, that only lasted for a whole school year. She wanted to use her writing skills and tell more stories instead of interviews. Gracie plans to focus on entertaining stories and girls' volleyball, but she is open to anything and would love to expand her boundaries. She has an interest in being a journalist and eventually plans on publishing her own books. After high school, she would love to attend Duquesne University and major in journalism and business. Gracie's big overall goal is to become a news anchor for a big-shot news program in New York. She is excited to be a new member of the Greater Latrobe High Post.

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