The Christmas Spirit of Mrs. Sherwin

Mrs. Terri Sherwin departed this life Wednesday, November 25, 2020. The school district has lost the “matriarch of the school,” as Mrs. Yetter called her. She played such an important role, not only in the office, but in the hearts of many students, faculty, and family.
Having such a powerful impact on them, Mrs. Sherwin’s work partners describe her in such a way, the love for her in their hearts truly shined through. “So many words can describe Mrs. Sherwin, but I am only choosing a few. Classy and professional but most of all, we can all agree that she was sweet, kind and always giving, putting others above herself,” said Mrs. Clair.
Mrs. Sherwin was a positive role model and always wanted the best for others, many can say this about her. “Not only did I have the honor and privilege of working with Mrs. Sherwin as colleagues, she was also a caring friend, a mother figure, an empathetic ear that was always willing to listen, and a warm presence that would exude positivity. She always greeted everyone with a smile and a “Hello, my dear” or “Hello, how are you?” She always made everyone feel important and special. She was selfless. She would always go the extra mile to help others,” said Mrs. Yetter.
In the work environment she was the vibrant part of their trio, “The Office Squad.” Mrs. Sherwin was well respected and reliable for guidance, she was their rock. Her vibrancy could light up a room, and the positivity she carried with her brightened even the longest days. She is remembered for “not only being a colleague to Mrs. McElhaney and myself, but also a sister and a friend” according to Clair.
Being a part of the GLSD family means helping others with your positive state of mind. “More often than not, students would stop just to have a conversation with her, as would faculty and staff. She brightened everyone’s morning, no matter how early it was, and I even found myself being drawn into the hallway first thing every morning just so I could be a part of her bright and cheerful orbit,” said Mrs. Yetter. Caring for her fellow office members and students when they weren’t feeling the best and putting their needs before hers, Mrs. Sherwin will be remembered for life times.
“The Office Squad, Mrs. Sherwin, Mrs. McElhaney, and I, we loved our Aroma Italiano lunches, performing together with Mr. Mains for a pep assembly, office pranks, Christmas decorating, dressing up in Ms. Hager’s Halloween props, sharing family stories, her Friday sweater, her perfectly lined lipstick, a team player,” Mrs. Clair exclaimed. Mrs. Sherwin was much more than just another friendly face. She created friendships and relationships with everyone who crossed her path, her stories live on.
On Friday, December 4, 2020, a celebration of Mrs. Sherwin’s life took place. Hannah Brewer, a senior at Greater Latrobe High School, explained, “They gave us birdseed along with a picture and a quote, the birdseed was because when you see a cardinal it is like she is there with you.”
Mr. Ludwig, another beloved “family member” at GLSD, gifted the office a hand carved wooden red cardinal that reads, “When Cardinal Appear, Angels Loved Ones Are Near,” it has been displayed in their office for years now and the saying follows through with Mrs. Sherwin. The birdseed symbolizes that she is still here with you, and the cardinal is the reminder.
Christmas is Mrs. Sherwin’s favorite holiday; she perfectly embodied the Christmas spirit. Caring for families all over put a smile on her face, and it showed Christmas Joy. “Anytime Mrs Sherwin would talk with staff, her first question was always about family and she was sincerely interested in their responses. She loved seeing everyone’s family photos that they would share with her and she had a genuine joy when she looked at them,” said Mrs. Clair. “And family, the thing which meant more to her above all. Her desk was adorned with family photos of her husband Jeff, three children, Christopher and his wife Shannon, Courtney and her husband Mike, son Collin and her two beautiful grandchildren Londyn and Easton. Family meant more than anything to her and I hope she knew how much her being a part of the GLSD family means to all of us.”

Mia is a Sophomore at Greater Latrobe Senior High School. She has always had a passion for writing, and is excited to express that in Multimedia Journalism...