6 Tips for Online School

6 Tips for Online School

Online school can be a challenge at times, especially if you don’t know what to expect. It can be stressful and even confusing. Thankfully, it can be easier to handle with some simple tips to keep in mind. 


1: Make and follow a schedule. Write down the bell schedule for your online classes and put it up in your workspace where you can easily see it. Make sure you also have time outside of school when you can work on homework assignments. After that, try following your schedule. Log into class and complete work during your set time, then do homework in your time. This will help a lot with managing the workload.


2: Keep track of assignments. It can be easy to forget about assignments during online learning. For a simple fix, write down your assignments and their due dates. If you prefer to have things on paper in front of you, invest in a planner, or make a list on a sheet of paper. You can also track assignments with Google Calendar or Google Classroom. It’s also easy to make a to-do list or make notes of assignments on a Google Doc or in the Notes app of a smartphone.


3: Stay focused during class. Having a set space to do schoolwork can help a lot. Make this place comfortable and easy to work in– make sure it’s clean, organized, and calming. Remove distractions such as electronic devices.  Avoid doing work in bed or somewhere you know you will not be able to focus. Along with this, pay attention and participate in class. Alexis McGannon, a student with plenty of experience with online learning, advises, “Use your microphone, answer questions, join the conversation. Participation is key, even when you would rather sit in bed and listen with your eyes closed.”


4: Take care of yourself. It can be hard to remember this even during in-person learning. But it can be even harder when you’re inside for most of the day for online school. Make sure you go outside for at least a few minutes every day or open a window. Get active with an activity of your choice, from dancing to biking to playing a sport. Get 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night so you’re well-rested for the next day. 


5: Make use of office hours and class time. Office hours are important opportunities to ask questions about assignments and to get extra help. Make use of these when needed. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in class if you need to. Complete classwork while the class is working on it to avoid falling behind. 

6: Get comfortable. One benefit of online learning is that you have more control over your environment. This can make it easier for some students to focus, so it’s a good idea to take advantage of it. It’s best to be comfortable, but not to the point of distraction. For example, having some music or white noise playing can help, but not too loud or even with words if that’s too distracting. A good workspace has qualities that help you feel relaxed and comfortable, but it’s still easy to focus on school and complete your work while you’re there.