Mia DeCerb, Staff Writer
Mia DeCerb is a senior at Greater Latrobe Senior High School. She is technically from Chicago, Illinois, yet she only lived there for a year. Since then, she has grown up in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Mia went to Christian Divine Teacher School for preschool through 1st grade. Then, she transferred to Mountain View Elementary School, and has been at Latrobe since the 2nd grade. Mia is very excited to have Mrs. Stallings for journalism, and English this year. In the few days we have been in the building, Mrs. Stallings has pushed her to do her best. After highschool, Mia hopes to enter a five year undergrad program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling or Art Teacher’s Education. DeCerb has always loved writing, and having a voice. She is ecstatic to be able to use this platform to touch on subjects she is very passionate about. Mia works at the Latrobe Dairy Queen, and absolutely loves it. She has been there over a year now, and does not plan on leaving anytime soon. In her freetime, she loves hiking. The outdoors always put a smile on her face. She also enjoys baking, and painting. Mia loves expressing herself in art. Family and friends are Mia’s number one priority in life, for she loves to live everyday like it is her last. She loves the people around her like it is her last. DeCerb cannot wait to see where the High Post takes her this year.