Kaitlyn Markle, Online Editor
Kaitlyn Markle, online editor for the Greater Latrobe High Post, has always had a passion for writing. The earliest she remembers writing was eight years old. Ever since then, you can find her in her room writing for hours upon hours. While all of her friends were busy with practicing for sports, she was inside thinking of the proper rhymes to put into her poem. Her favorite type of literature is poetry. Finding the right rhythm and rhyme has always been a fun and interesting thing to do for her. From her many years of writing, Kaitlyn, has decided to pursue a career in either journalism and/or English education. Journalism just recently became important to her last year, when she decided to take on multimedia journalism. One of her many goals in life is to someday be able to write for the New York Journal. After retiring, Kaitlyn hopes she will be able to write and publish at least one novel. If all else fails, Kaitlyn also has an interest in interior design, makeup, and nail design. Fashion and knowing what people want to wear and how to wear it has always been pretty cool to her. As of now Kaitlyn is going through her I don’t know who I am phase. She is currently trying to figure her own personal style and who she is overall as a person. Until she figures that out, she is just an average, moody teenager who is trying to find her writing style. Emotion is one of the most important aspects in writing, in her opinion. It’s also one of the most significant things you recognize in her writing. If you ever need to come in contact with her, you might want to check her bed; or you can email her at 17markkait@glsd.us!