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The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

Josh Clevenger, Author

Josh Clevenger is described as “outlandish” according to several of his friends because of his daily decisions.  He tries to make everyday different from the last whether it’s completely rotating the lunch table for something new or trying to go all day with his socks backwards and inside out.  He is most known for always trying to create a new widely used catch phrase.  Some of his recent attempts included “Snailed It!” and his motivational “You sir, have got this.”  Josh is an occasionally stubborn individual.  “If someone else is going to see it, it must be perfect,” as he has told many of his friends in his school activities time and time again.  Some of these activities include marching band and stage crew which keep him busy for most of the year playing the snare and working lights for school shows, but he always finds time for shenanigans.

All content by Josh Clevenger