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The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

The student news site of Greater Latrobe High School

The High Post

Hailee Cherrington

Hailee Cherrington, Staff Writer

Hey, I’m Hailee Cherrington! I am a staff member on the High Post at Greater Latrobe school district. On the High Post, my main area is photography. I’m also apart of the “Tea Squad” with Taylor Harden, McKenzie Bonar, Madison Cherrington, and Anna Bisi. I have been doing photography since 8th grade, but I’m honestly not that great at it yet, but I hope to improve through this class and bring great photos to the newspaper. I’ve also enjoyed writing all my life and hope to bring interesting stories and articles for everyone to read through the High Post. Outside of school I don’t have many hobbies. I like to hang out with friends, shop at thrift stores, and draw. I hope to be able to bring these interests to the High Post, and provide content that relates to the student body’s interests.

All content by Hailee Cherrington