AGA Nation Inspirational Assembly

The National Guard assembly impacted me by letting me see a new perspective on life. There was a lot of risk taking involved which kind of urged me to realize I should take every positive opportunity I can in my life. They had a lot of confidence to take such a big jump knowing they could get hurt. Anne Dalton, 11
It showed me too never give up, even if I fail and too keep trying when I fall or when i’m about to give up or quit. Halie Ferrenberg, 11
The assembly was really fun, I liked to watch the BMXer’s. I BMX myself, so it was cool to watch those guys do some hard tricks. Travis Rhine, 11
It helped show me that National Guard is a lot more dangerous things. Matt Albaugh, 11
The assembly impacted me by helping me not be afraid to take risks and set a goal and achieve it. Bailey Kollar, 11
The assembly impacted me because they take risks every stunt just to inform us about things and give us very useful advice. Gabby Sylvania, 11
High risk situations can be done safely. This encourages others to join the military, or even pursue your goals if they have risks. Gage Handwork, 11
Its showing that taking a risk is always worth it. Abby Fry, 11
It inspired me to do what I enjoy and never be afraid to fail. Anthony Bolduriau, 11
It inspired me because they showed that they were fearless and willing to take chances. Dom Hart, 11
The one guys talked about making choices that impacted him and made him make his choice and follow his childhood dream. Carson Bolish, 11
They took risks doing dangerous stunts and it proved to me if you work hard you can achieve anything. Fallon Bowman, 11
I enjoyed the tricks they did. Hannah Cunnard, 11
The high risk activities during the National Guard assembly impacted me in a good way. I had the opportunity to go out and let the BMX guys jump over me. While laying there my adrenaline was rushing. It was a fun and exciting experience too have that early in the morning. Matt Bobula, 11
It impacted me to try some dangerous activities. Caleb Domenick, 11
Kasey is a senior at Greater Latrobe who has committed her time and efforts to writing for The High Post. Kasey has a huge, crazy family that she spends...