Perks of being a vegan
Yes, there are perks!

A vegetarian does not consume any meat,fish or poultry. A vegan in addition to being vegetarian do not use any other animal products and by-products such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and soaps derived from animals products. An increasing number of people are becoming vegan for ethical, environmental and/or health reasons.
I made this lifestyle change mainly for ethical reasons. I have always had an issue with eating meat. As a kid I hated the fact that what I was eating was once a living, sentient being. I was able to cover up those thoughts and live in a state of ignorance until I watched the documentary Earthlings.
The film shows what truly goes on in the meat industry. People often say “well the cows aren’t harmed when we use their milk” but what most people fail to acknowledge is that “Dairy” cows are chemically impregnated each year, pushed far beyond their natural physical limits, and fed growth hormones in order to keep up with the high demand for milk. On top of that, the calves (the animal the mother’s milk is intended for) are either murdered immediately, raised to become dairy cows, or are sent to become veal after only two-four days with their mothers. The Veal cows must live their short 16-week lives in crates so small they can’t even turn around, in order for their muscle to produce tender “gourmet” meat. Facts like this truly make me sick.
If people had to look into the eyes of the animal they were eating, there would be a lot more vegans in this world. Although I made this choice mostly because I don’t want to support the torture of another being, I am also vegan because factory farming is terrible for the environment.
Most people don’t know that factory farming is one of the leading causes of global warming. It is responsible for 18% of the greenhouse gasses that cause global warming, more than cars, planes and all other forms of transportation put together.
The final reason I’m vegan is for the many health benefits that go along with it. I always had self-image issues and becoming vegan has showed me that how you look is not important, it’s how you feel. Switching from the unhealthy diet I had, consisting of a lot of eggs and dairy products as well as many processed foods to a plant-based diet was the best thing I could have ever done for my body. My energy levels have improved immensely and I feel better than ever. I’ve also gained a better outlook on life in general and am more in-touch with myself and the world around me.
The only hard thing about being vegan is having animals products all around me. It’s difficult to be around people who eat meat because all I can see is the animals that were murdered and the damages its causing to the world.
“Don’t wait for a better world. Start now to create a world of harmony and peace. It is up to you, and it always has been. You may even find the solution at the end of your fork.” ~ Sharon Gannon
Brooke Sheffield is the In-depth editor for the High Post. She’s currently a senior and the 2016-2017 school year will be her third year on staff. Always...