Taking Over the World One Concert at a Time

Music has a big part in determining important things, like schedules, for a variety of students. The class schedule of some more musically advanced students is altered, to allow them to attend a concert choir period. This period is spent in preparation for upcoming concerts or events in which the students will take part. The concert choir teacher helps to further the vocal capabilities of these students during this time and after, or before school hours.

Concert choir teacher Rachel Surden has taken great strides in challenging vocal abilities and improving the required skills to perform in front of crowds on stage.  She is in her second year as choral director at Greater Latrobe and is continuing to make progress on the goals of directors from past years. All of which have been mainly to grow the participation in the activity.  Her main goal is “to produce high quality sound and push the bar” of her members.

The fact that she always makes time for her students to ask for help allows the students to constantly improve. She even takes time out of class to engage with students who may want some extra help with a note or song. The director has mentioned that its the “students ability and courage” out on the stage that allows them to avoid nerves. Jacob Lubic has his own virtue of being in front of a large crowd thanks to concert choir “ I boosted my confidence as an individual and it taught me to own whatever I do. I no longer worry about people who may judge or criticize me,” said Lubic.

The ability of the concert choir members to perform in front of crowds is a big accomplishment and it is clear they have quite a bit of courage. It also helps that many of the members have been singing since they could talk, Lubic said “ I’ve been singing in concert choir for six years, but for as long as I can imagine, I have sung along with the songs on the radio.”

Madeline Bucci, a senior of the concert choir class, has grown a lot over her time with the group. She began her time singing in front of people with some fears and insecurity. Madeline said “ I was able to sing in front of people with some confidence, but I was still pretty nervous. Now I just feel the excitement, I have always been a confident person, but concert choir has definitely improved it.”

She had taken fifth to eleventh grade off from concert choir and showed a very positive experience since rejoining the activity last year as a junior. She said “I do not have a favorite part of concert choir, I like all of it. It’s my favorite class.”

The members of the concert choir are not just partners in making a concert a spectacle, but also are close friends. Students have said that “ we are sort of like a family, making music with my best friends just enhances the experience. When we all come together the sound can give you chills. “ The students spend countless hours before and after school improving together.

This will lead to what Miss Surden has said for the future of the concert choir. “ I see the number of students in the chorus increasing year after year. There are many tours I see us soon enough being able to go on, one being Pennsylvania Music Educators Association. ” said Surden.