Valentine’s Day: Love is in the Air

After admiration from afar, sparks flew at a football game when they matched costumes, peanut butter and jelly. After Halloween, they continued to hangout until finally November 22, 2024 Dylan asked Maria to be his girlfriend. Two months later, they are thriving together. When picking her up for a date, he made a heart garland leading to the note asking, “Will you be my Valentine?” Their plans include going out to eat, exchanging gifts, and then retiring back to his house to relax and having quality time together. Although its been a short relationship, the gifts they’ve given each other will be hard to beat. Dylan’s favorite are always her homemade crafts and Maria’s is her dainty, gold heart necklace and her teddy bear, Prince Barry Phillip Teddington III. They advise fellow new couples to always communicate with each other. There will be good times and bad, but no matter what relay your feelings to your partner to maintain a healthy relationship. They also recommended to be direct and not be passive aggressive to one another.

For months and months, Arianna secretly crushed on her best friend’s, Maria, brother’s best friend Andreu. One day she finally worked up the courage to approach him. Over the summer of 2023, they talked and hang out daily. Finally on September 3, he asked her to officially be his girlfriend. This Valentine’s Day will be their second year sharing it with one another. On one of his regular weekend visits back from Saint Francis, he approached Arianna and asked her to be his Valentine. The transition of seeing each other everyday at school, to only seeing each other on weekends has been a challenge for them, but they have worked through any rough patches together and are thriving. Andreu’s favorite gift from Arianna was a homemade picture book of memories for their one-year anniversary. Her favorite gift was the jewelry from him, including an engraved “I love you” Pandora necklace and a delicate silver promise ring. Their advice to couples struggling with a long-distance relationship is that if you truly see a future with one another than it should not matter in the long-run if a couple of years are spent apart. As long as the communication and effort remains, it should be attainable knowing that you will spend the rest of your lives together after the long-distance period.

Jaycee and Elliot first connected in eighth grade during a group FaceTime call set up by a mutual friend. After that, they continued to call and talk frequently, although difficult due to COVID restraints. Proceeding to hang out and talk, they began dating about two months after that initial meeting. Since both of them work on Fridays, they plan to go out for their Valentine’s day dinner on the Saturday after. One of the most cherished gifts Elliot gave Jaycee is a little teddy bear, which holds a special place in her heart. Elliot’s favorite pair of shoes. Jaycee emphasizes that communication is crucial for a successful relationship; without it, things won’t work out. They usually enjoy a nice dinner followed by some quality time together.

Mr. and Mrs. Fetter met in high school, often passing each other in the halls and sharing a study hall before he finally asked her out on a date on October 31, 1990. This year marks their 35th Valentine’s Day celebration. They plan to go out for dinner and attend a murder mystery show. She always looks forward to receiving peanut butter melt-away chocolates and beautiful red roses. Her favorite gift was a diamond heart pendant. She loves that there’s a special day to celebrate the love shared with those around you. They also make it a point to give valentines to their children each year. With all the trials and tribulations of relationships, they want to remind young couples to always put your love for each other first and everything else will fall into place. Dedication, trust, patience, and care will sustain a healthy relationship.