1.) Aliza Yeager: My favorite part about the play was seeing my friend Izzy Keslar fly around the stage.
2.) Maddie Slater: My favorite part was seeing all the characters fly. It added to the play and helped tell the story.
3.) Addi Sterrett: The munchkins were so cute because it was a mix of 4th graders and high schoolers. Having the munchkins play as 4th graders was a good idea.
4.) Gia Angelicchio: I love getting to dance with all my friends and dance different varsities of dances to pull the show together.
5.) Tyler Bauer: I enjoyed watching the Munchins and Evan Frescura perform. Was a super cool show.
6.) Avi Mucci: The four main characters did so well with their voices they sounded and looked just like the movie did. They were awesome!
7.) Gia Friedline: My favorite part was the kids being a part of the show and how you could tell how happy and excited they were to be with the big kids and in front of a huge audience it was so beyond cute.
8.) Ethan Hayes: My favorite part was how good Marie’s acting was. She really pulled it all together.
9.) Peyton Ferraro: The elementary school kids being included in the musical as munchkins.
10.) Sarah Guinther: Mr. Trenton rowing in a canoe. The broadcasting kids did a good job of showing the tornado. It was just like the movie.
11.) Lani Bossart: I thought the Oz was super cool. How they created that was amazing it looked so real and I liked how many different characters were able to fly or be lifted off the stage.