Student Art Brightens the Halls
Walking through the halls of Greater Latrobe Senior High, art is everywhere. Paintings, drawings, photographs; all framed and displayed on the walls for anyone to admire. Walking down the dipping hallway towards the CSC, notice two vivid and large vases with flowers sticking out the top. These are the works of Mrs. Page’s art students.
“My classes made two large vase mural projects as a way to make an impact on the school environment, along with getting to know the studio space right away! It’s a great way to start the first week of school,” said Mrs. Page.
Both vases contain flowers and other drawings created by each of her students. Every one is unique and ties the entire piece together. Some of the drawings students chose to substitute flowers include a dragon, a heart, birds, a car, a half moon, half sun, and the number 42. Both vases have a different design and an array of colors. One vase is slim with handles and the other is the more classic vase shape. They both add a pop of color and a positive energy.
“Students learned that a little goes a long way with art, and in numbers and with everyone contributing, you can make something grand and awesome to look at,” said Page.
No word describes these 6 ft. tall, widely bloomed creations quite like ‘grand.’ Grand is the one word that comes to mind when gazing at these masterpieces.
Page also recently hung up another mural project her students completed. They made a piece that resembles dripping paint. One part hangs and drips onto a piece of art and the other runs down from the ceiling. The 3D effect created by layering each individual strip of paint adds dimension and certainly catches your eye. Though the vases and the paint mural are completely different, they compliment each other perfectly and the same concept Page wanted to get across shines through both…
“Art transforms spaces and experiences of both artists and viewers. So this is a quick lesson on that.”
These works do exactly that. When walking in the F hallway towards the Center of Student Creativity, on the walls will be these extraordinary pieces of art. It is hard not to stop and stare.

Gabrielle Carroll is a creative, exciting, friendly, fun-loving girl who enjoys writing, dancing, and socializing. Gabrielle is the middle child between...