Though my mouth is covered,
I have plenty to speak of,
For my words have articulated
And sculpted through the year,
My opinions and perspective
Of not only myself, but the world
Have changed for the better
I read articles and speeches,
Hearing the pain of the world
From each mouth of not a victim,
But rather survivor of this year
For all it has brought us
And all we have brought it,
We will never be the same
Though change is natural,
Union is a battle
A Battle we must fight
To unite as one for our world
For us as a race,
The human race
Is a beautiful thing
I have walked miles with protesters,
And released my beliefs
I have self-taught of this virus,
And discipline I have obtained
I have put others first
When I was not troubled or in danger,
Though love of myself when lost I was.
I stand here now,
Still fighting for others
While growing adolescence
In a time of maturity
Where loved ones have past,
And others have sorrowed
I wish them my blessings.