Hannah Mears Returning Home

Hannah Mears, a graduate from Greater Latrobe High School, was constantly sparking conversations with her peers and proved her leadership abilities on the basketball court and soccer field. Upon graduation, she had no idea that she would be using these skills for Broadcast Journalism at Penn State University.

On December 21, Mears humbly returned to her hometown to share her ongoing journey in college, and gave insight into the experiences she’s had the opportunity to take advantage of.  

Mears has already learned many skills that have helped her stand out from the competition.

She has admitted herself that, “listening is the hardest thing to do.” When having a conversation, it is natural to listen and respond. In other words, people think about what they’re going to say next, rather than listening, in the present moment, for purpose. Truly listening is much more effective.

Mears strongly encouraged her audience to,“watch what you post online.” In today’s technology-filled society, it’s easy to post something without thinking about how it will affect your future. Mears informed us that many companies hire someone specifically to stalk a potential employee’s Twitter account. If you wouldn’t want your grandma to see it, don’t upload it because one unprofessional post can decide whether you will get a job or not.

Mears emphasized the importance of a quality “elevator pitch.” An elevator pitch is a sound bite that explains to people who you are, what you do, and what kind of position you’re seeking, all explained in the amount of time it would take to ride an elevator. Having an exceptional synopsis of yourself can make you stand out from others competing for a specific job or opportunity.

Lastly, she urged students to, “take advantage of your opportunities.” In high school, she did not explore the communication classes we offer here at Greater Latrobe. Looking back, she wishes she would have. Just saying “yes” can open doors to new people, places, or even jobs. Always be willing to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. The world is full of endless possibilities.

Hannah Mears left an evident footprint during her time here at Greater Latrobe High School, and will continue to make a name for herself through her career.