Press Release: Kennametal Young Engineers Program Graduation
Students from Greater Latrobe recently participated in the Kennametal Young Engineers
Program graduation. This semester students were challenged to design and construct a
machine capable of emulating the basic motions used in their own tungsten carbide insert
manufacturing process: filling a mold, applying pressure, and sorting items into containers. This
contraption had to be entirely mechanical, with no electricity or programming involved. Each
team took a different approach, ranging from gears and strings to utilizing hydraulics. The
semester closed with a competition, where machines from both Greater Latrobe and
Greensburg Salem performed in both a timed match and a head-to-head tournament. The
groups’ timed match, head to head challenge and final written technical reports, were all entered
into a rubric to determine the winner. Team Rhopalocera from Latrobe, consisting of members
Sarah Maglosky, Paul Simonovitch, Kevin Chen, and Collin Frydrych, were deemed the winners
for this year’s engineering challenge.
Greater Latrobe Kennametal Young Engineers graduates
Left to right
Front Row: Joyce Yin, Sarah Maglosky
2nd row: Michael Hook, Emma Shaulis, Tucker Lotz
3rd row: Paul Simonovitch, Ezra Miller
4th row: Joseph Piper, Collin Frydrych, Connor Pickup
5th row: Joshua Conroy, Ryan Gorsich, David Marinchak
6th row: TJ Pfeifer, Eric Soccio
Missing from photo: Kevin Chen