GLSD Gym Class Takes a New Route
Along with the many changes made to Greater Latrobe High School this school year, Physical Education classes have made some changes that have students thrilled.
Previous years, gym class was organized with an assigned group of students to one teacher, all participating in the same activity. This year, all students taking a physical education class are given more choices of units that they particularly want to do. Students were given a survey of a long list of gym activities to choose the ones that they were interested in most. Now, three different units are going on at once, all being taught by a different teacher, and are free range to choose from. These activities include anything from walking around the track to playing football. This way, students can be participating in units that they are interested in getting involved in.
“I have really been enjoying gym this year,” junior Maddi Bentley said. “As someone who hasn’t always been interested in the units, being able to choose the activity I want has me more excited and willing to participate.” The three different activities go on for 12 gym classes. What makes it more interesting is the units are very diverse and separated by activity level. During one of the 12 days, students were able to choose from a variety of activities including a walking unit, weight lifting, or football.
Not only has the Physical education classes been appealing to the student body’s interests, but to their health as a high schooler. Latrobe’s gym teachers are focusing more on extra activities that will improve students with basic physical education, and for daily life activities. Warm-ups for all classes are now aimed towards the student’s posture. Also, the students participated in “get to know you” activities took up the first four gym classes so the students were comfortable and could get to know the others that they would be participating with.
Physical education teachers share their opinions on the new gym class. “I think what’s most important is the fact that our new way of organizing class is it increases motivation,” Gym teacher Mr. Khalouf says. “Students get a different teacher for each unit, and can pick certain activities that their friends are in.”
However, this gym schedule does have its downfalls. Because of the amount of physical education classes, and the students involved in the class, there is an overcrowding in the classes. “My gym class is very crowded,” Lauren Cammerata says. “There’s probably close to 80 kids in my class, and it gets pretty hectic each day with controlling everyone.” This may affect the outcome of next school year physical education classes.
Greater Latrobe has made many controversial changes this school year. With almost the whole school changing with the new bell schedule, E-HallPass, and Lunch and Learn, there are many new opportunities being offered to the students, and gym class was no exception.

Hi, I´m McKenzie Bonar and this is my first year as a part of Greater Latrobe´s High Post. I enjoy writing for the newspaper, and gaining knowledge about...