Choral retreat and band bring special gifts to GLSD
Greater Latrobe isn’t only known for its great sports teams and D1 players, but also its outstanding arts including band and chorus. This school year, our band and chorus have done many exciting things as a team in order to create a very successful year.
Marching band is a group of talented students that bring so much to the school and to our sports games. This year, they attended the Penn State Band Jam and performed for thousands. The Band Jam something that many in the band were so grateful to be a part of. “The Band Jam was something that I will never forget.” Junior flute player Rece Ramsey said. “Performing is something we all love to do and we had a lot of fun with it.” Some of the members also took a fun and memorable trip to Cleveland and experienced the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This was a great way to allow our hardworking band to experience something that they are interested in.
As for chorus, the year is just starting for them. The annual “Choral Retreat” is an all-day practice where they participate in bonding exercises and a three hour rehearsal. “Choral Retreat is always something we as a group look forward to,” Junior Julia Huczko said. “There is never a dull moment in chorus, and it helps how talented each and every person in chorus is.” “I feel bad for those who did not come to choral retreat, because they missed out on a bonding moment with their choir friends,” Sophomore Noah Shaeffer said. Our chorus works their hardest to achieve songs and create a great concert. This year’s winter chorus concert is December 13th, which they have been practicing for weeks now.
Marching Band’s trip to Cleveland, Ohio to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. A group from marching band spent all day touring the pieces from the best known and most influential artists.
Marching Band’s Senior Night saying goodbye to senior flute players Kate Suzuki and Hannah Noel. They were given gifts and a comforting goodbye from their fellow band members.

Hi, I´m McKenzie Bonar and this is my first year as a part of Greater Latrobe´s High Post. I enjoy writing for the newspaper, and gaining knowledge about...