Fall Leaf Lanterns

         Fall Leaf Lanterns


  • Fake leaves (or real)
  • Mason jar
  • Mod podge or watered down glue (optional)
  • Tacky Glue
  • Small LED candles or tea light candles
  • Sponge brushes or paint brushes (only if you are using mod podge or watered down glue)
  • Raffia Ribbon or yarn/reg. ribbon (optional)


Step 1: Take a leaf and use tacky glue to outline it in the glue.

Step 2:stick it on the mason jar.

Step 3: Repeat with the rest of the leaves, but make sure there are spaces between so that you can see the candles light. (The ends of the leaves might pop of if so just re glue them down once completely dry or just let them be.)

Step 4: Now if you would like you can cover the leaves in a layer of watered down glue or mod podge.  This just gives it a shiny look. If you do do this be careful not to ad too much because it will look very clumpy.  (Optional)


Step 5: Let the leaves completely dry.


Step 6: Now add the ribbon or raffia around the the top of the mason jar.  Tie it into a bow.

Step 7: Put the candle in to the mason jar and lit it up.

Enjoy these quick and easy last minute thanksgiving centerpieces.