Malaya and Makeup
Aspiring makeup artist, Malaya Mekkaoui, is only 16 years old. She already has a passion for makeup and is working daily to fulfill her dream.
How long have you been doing makeup?
“I’ve been doing makeup ever since I was little but I didn’t really start getting into it until I was around 12.”
Why did you start makeup?
“I started because it was fun and I knew if I got better at it I could make a future out of it.”
Are you interested in pursuing a career with makeup?
“Yes definitely interested in pursuing a career with makeup.”
How did you learn?
“I watch youtube a lot and there are tons of social media influencers that have pursued a makeup career from youtube and I usually learn from them. Makeup is easy to me. I always liked art and drawing and I believe if you can draw well makeup shouldn’t be hard for you. I like to think that your face is a canvas if that makes sense.”
Who do you look up to in the beauty world?
“I look up to NikkieTutorials on Youtube. She posted a video on the power of makeup where she did a side of her face with no makeup and a side with a lot and she just showed the beauty of yourself and makeup and what it can do to make you feel good about yourself and change your looks.”
Take a look at NikkieTutorials video here!
How much do you charge?
“It depends, $40 for a full face with lashes, but if you bring your own lashes then its $35.”
Do you plan on doing prom makeup?
“Yes, I do homecoming, sadies, and prom makeup every year.”
What is one beauty product you cannot live without?
“I can’t live without eyelash extensions for sure.”

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