Despite devastation Hurricane Florence brings people together

Hurricane Florence hit the Carolina coast on August 31 to September 19 causing total devastation. It has affected land, property, and thousands of lives. With the death total at 43–and flood waters yet to clear– it is still unknown how many more lives could be taken by this horrible storm.

The category 3 hurricane –which was expected to turn into a category 5– left 343,000 people without electricity in North Carolina. After the hurricane was downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone, the area still has massive flooding. 15,000 people are in shelters, 2,200 people have been rescued by first responders, and crops and livestock are being destroyed.

Food and supplies are having to be brought in by large military trucks and helicopters to residents who are trapped by the flood waters. Residents of nursing homes had to be evacuated by rescuers, taking over 5 hours to bring them to safety.

The Carolina’s are still expecting a lot of flash flooding for the days to come. The U.S. Coast Guard rescued nearly 400 people and 200 pets in a rescue mission across the Carolina’s. Nearly 20,000 Federal employees and over 40,000 individuals have worked with the Department of Energy to restore power. Some 6,000 active-duty personnel and 7,000 National Guardsmen are on scene still searching for possible bodies lost in the water.

Many celebrities and local charities have donated their time and money to help rebuild the broken community. NBA superstar Michael Jordan donated $2 million, and Owner of the NFL’s North Carolina Panthers David Tepper, donated a total of $1.2 million.

People across the country have sacrificed their time and money to rebuild a community that has been devastated by this natural disaster.

Local figures and national figures alike, are coming together regardless of political party or social status to help feed and nurture the victims of Hurricane Florence.