Remembering the Heroes of Flight 93, 17 Years Later
Family members of Flight 93 line up in front of the Bells of Remembrance.
September 11, 2018, marked the seventeenth anniversary of the attacks. This years Remembrance Ceremony at the crash-site commemorated the final piece of the memorial, The Tower of Voices. The memorial tower is ninety-three feet high with forty wind chimes representing the forty passengers and crew members. Each time represents a voice.
On September 11, 2001, at 10:03 am. United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a field in Shanksville, PA after being hijacked by terrorists. In the minutes before the flight went down, the 40 passengers on board took a vote and decided to “take the plane back.” Flight attendants boiled water and passengers made calls home to their loved ones for the last time. On September 11, 2001, these passengers and crew became heroes. It is believed that the hijacked flight was heading for the Capitol Building, though it was never confirmed.
Former Governor Mark Schweiker said, “To acknowledge and come to know the price of freedom that the American version — personal freedoms and liberty are not to be taken for granted,” he said. “To a great extent, the passengers, heroes, and crew members of Flight 93 gave the ultimate sacrifice — protecting our freedoms.”
The Bells of Remembrance are two bells with two different pitches. After a name of a passenger or crew member is read, the bells are rung. At the end of each year’s ceremony, the ropes from the bells are cut and given to the family members the following year.
This year’s keynote speakers included Former Governor Mark Schweiker, Governor Tom Wolf, and President Donald Trump. Each speaker talked about the bravery of the passengers and crew.
Governor Wolf said, “This year with the dedication of the Tower of Voices, there are new avenues of remembrance and new opportunities to reflect on the impossible sacrifices made in the skies above us and where there has been unspeakable tragedy, the families whose loved ones were on that flight built a place of hope and honor right here in Pennsylvania and we thank you for that.”

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