Getting your driver’s license gives freedom to people. “It was honestly the best feeling you felt so grown up. Like you could do anything. Until you remember the Cinderella rule,” said senior Gracie Stynchula. As a new driver, and until you are 18, you have a curfew of 11 o’clock. You go from your parents driving you everywhere, to you being the driver and taking yourself and others places.
“I’m excited to drive to school everyday because I hate the bus. I will have more freedom and independence. I won’t have to rely on my parents all of the time. I’ve been saving up money from every paycheck into my savings account in case something breaks,” said junior Halie Ferrenburg.
When you turn 16 years old you are eligible for a permit. In order to get the permit, you have to go to the DMV and take the test. The test is 20 questions, but you only have to get 14 correct. If you get the first 14 correct, you won’t have to answer the other questions since you already passed.
Once you have your permit, you have 6 months of driving before you are eligible for your driver’s license. You must have 65 hours of driving logged, along with driving in multiple weather conditions.
When you go to take your driving test, you can choose to do it at the school or DMV. The Greater Latrobe High School has a program that allows for students to get lessons to learn how to drive. Teachers like Mr. Cook or Mr. Basino help students safely learn how to drive and give them necessary tips in order to drive safely.
The course at the DMV includes: knowing your car (turn signals,defroster, etc), watching the speed limit, stopping at stop signs, parallel parking, and other necessary factors to driving.
“Make sure you’re always aware of what’s around you. Not everyone is a good driver,” said Stynchula.
Anyone that drives has a responsibility unlike others. You have to drive safe and be cautious, after all lives are in your hands. There is no time for reckless driving or road rage. Even if you don’t like how someone is driving in front of you, you have to learn to not let it bother you and keep your distance instead.
“Never text and drive or look at your phone. No tweet, text, or song is worth a life,” said Stynchula.
People don’t realize that you, yourself, are in control of the car and how your skills are. You choose how fast you are going, what lane you are in and how you get from point a to point b.
Have confidence in yourself in order to drive safe. Never let someone peer pressure you into doing something that would risk your own life. Always tell your parents or friends where you are.
Whether you drive now or will be driving soon, always drive safe and know the laws.